Monday, May 25, 2009

I Believe in You

Thank you, thank you to all of you who donated in the past couple of days. I have reached, and surpassed my May 26th goal of $250. I have reached $375!!!! I am so blessed by all of you who donated. When you donate it's like you are saying, "I believe in you and what you are doing." I still have a HUGE deadline coming up: $850 by July 21st. It's not too late to donate if you haven't already!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Triathlon, Here I Come!!

(This is a pic of some of my team at our first track practice)

There are so many feelings rushing through me as I complete my first week of triathlon training. I'm so excited about all the new people I am meeting and all the fun of training. But I also feel so overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. I'm going to be expected to give my all, physically and mentally, three days a week for the next 5 months. That really hit home when I went to my first track practice and my best mile was only nine minutes and forty-five seconds. At my first swim practice I realized I was having a panic attack every time I stuck my face in the water, and at my first bike practice I couldn't even go over a bump without cringing in pain. I'm going to have to find a babysitter almost every Saturday, and I'm going to have to raise $2,500 someway, somehow. What have I gotten myself into???? I feel completely embarrassed and somewhat shameful to ask people to donate money, especially when they are undergoing financial stress. Shane, my wonderful husband, set me straight the other day. He said, "You aren't asking for money for yourself, you are asking for money for those kids who are dying from cancer." He's totally right. I'm not going through all of this pain and volunteering gobs of my time and paying babysitters just because I think it's fun. I'm doing this for a higher purpose; I'm committing myself, my time, my money, my efforts to finding a cure for cancer, and to making life a little easier for families who are undergoing treatment. That's why I'm doing this triathlon.

Please donate if you can. Go to my website:

or send a check made out to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and mail it to me. I have until May 26th to make it to my first fundraising deadline of $250. I only have $60 to go!! If only two people donate $30 on my website then I will have made it!

Thanks in advance for all of your support,